Friday, April 8, 2011

Toying with Emotions

A guy about late 30's chatted up with me. He has seen me before in person and treated me whenever we dine in a restaurant.

Recently, he told me that he will give me anything in life that i desire (cars, house, etc) but with one condition, which is to love him.

At first, i wanted so badly to get an iphone 4 and so, we decided to meet up the following day as he told me that he will definitely get it for me. I was certainly wrong as i wanted to play with his emotions in order to get what i wanted.

At the end, i failed to meet up with him as i know playing with someone's emotion is dangerous..and thus, i forgo it.


  1. it depends, but dont label it as playing with emotions.

    to have someone to provide for u, is indeed a rare find.. if you love him unconditionally (and not for the material things he is able to provide), thats wonderful..

    if one day, he loses all his money, will u still love him? because at this moment, all he needs most is just love..
